Оглавление (Units) учебника ‘Essential Grammar in Use’ Раймонда Мёрфи

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Essential Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy 4th editionОглавление 4-го издания красного Мёрфи.
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Present (Настоящее)

1 be/am/is/are
Упражнения и практика BE am/is/are

2 am/is/are (questions)
Упр. и практика: Вопросы с BE

3 I am doing (present continuous)
Упр. и практика: I am doing.

4 Are you -ing? (present continuous questions)

5 I do/work/like etc. (present simple)
Упр. и практика: I do/work

6 I don’t … (present simple negative)

7 Do you …? (present simple questions)

8 I am doing (present continuous) and I do (present simple)

9 (14) I have and I’ve got

Past (Прошедшее)

10 (11) was/were

11(9) worked/got/went etc (past simple)

12 (10) I didn’t Did you? (past simple negative and questions)

13 (12) I was doing (past continuous)

14 (13) I was doing (past continuous) and I did (past simple)

Present perfect (Настоящее совершённое)

15 I have done (present perfect 1)

16 I’ve just/already  not yet (present perfect 2)

17 (16) Have you ever … ? (present perfect 3)

18 (17) How long have you … ? (present perfect 4)

19 (18) for since ago

20 (19) I have done (present perfect) and I did (past)

Passive (Пассив)

21 (20) is done / was done (passive 1)

22 (-) is being done / has been done (passive 2)

Verb forms (Формы глагола)

23 (35) be/have/do in present and past tenses

24 (36) Regular and irregular verbs

Future (Будущее)

25 (21) What are you doing tomorrow? (present for the future)

26 (22) I’m going to…

27 (23) will/shall (1)

28 (24) will/shall (2)

Modals, imperative etc. (Модальные, повелительное наклонение и т.д.)

29 (26) might

30 (25) can and could

31 (27) must mustn’t don’t need to

32 (28) should

33 (29) I have to …

34 (30) Would you like … ? I’d like …

35 (-) Do this! Don’t do that! Let’s do this! 

36 (-) I used to … 

There and it (Безличные предложения)

37 (31) there is / there are

38 (32) there was/were there has/have been there will be

39 (33) It …

Auxiliary verbs (Вспомогательные глаголы)

40 (37) I am, I don’t etc

41 (38) Have you? Are you? Don’t you? etc

42 (39) too/either so am I / neither do I etc

43 (40) isn’t, haven’t, don’t etc (negatives)

Questions (Вопросы)

44 (41)is it … ? have you … ? do they … ? etc (questions 1)

45 (42) Who saw you? Who did you see? (questions 2)

46 (43) Who is she talking to? What is it like? (questions 3)

47 (44) What … ? Which … ? How … ? (questions 4)

48 (45) How long does it take … ?

49 (46) Do you know where … ? I don’t know what … etc

Reported speech (Косвенная речь)

50 (49) She said that … He told me that …

-ing and to … (Герундий и инфинитив)

51 (34) work/working go/going do/doing

52 (47) to … (I want to do) and -ing (I enjoy doing)

53 (48) I want you to … I told you to …

54 (50) I went to the shop to …

Go, get, do, make and have (Важные глаголы)

55 (52) go to … go on … go for … go -ing

56 (51) get

57 (-) do and make

58 (-) have

Pronouns and possessives (Личные местоимения и притяжательный падеж)

59 (53) I/me he/him they/them etc

60 (54) my/his/their etc

61 (55) Whose is this? It’s mine/yours/hers etc

62 (56) l/me/my/mine

63 (57) myself/yourself/themselves etc.

64 (58) -‘s (Kate’s camera/my brother’s car etc.)

A and The (Неопределённый и определённый артикль)

65 (59) a/an …

66 (60) train(s) bus(es) (singular and plural)

67 (61)a bottle/some water (countable/uncountable 1)

68 (62) a cake/some cake/some cakes (countable/uncountable 2)

69 (63) a/an and the

70 (64) the …

71 (65) go to work / go home / go to the cinema

72 (66) I like music / I hate exams

73 (67) the … (names of places)

Determiners and pronouns (Определители и местоимения)

74 (68) this/that/these/those

75 (69) one/ones

76 (70) some and any

77 (71) not + any no none

78 (72) not + anybody/anyone/anything nobody/no-one/nothing

79 (73) somebody/anything/nowhere etc

80 (74) every and all

81 (75) all, most, some, any, no/none

82 (76) both / either / neither

83 (77) a lot / much / many

84 (78) (a) little / (a) few

Adjectives and adverbs (Прилагательные и наречия)

85 (79) old/nice/interesting etc (adjectives)

86 (80) quickly/badly/suddenly etc (adverbs)

87 (81) old/older expensive/more expensive

88 (82) older than … / more expensive than …

89 (83) not as … as

90 (84) the oldest / the most expensive

91 (85) enough

92 (86) too

Word order (Порядок слов)

93 (87) He speaks English very well. (word order 1)

94 (88) always/usually/often etc (word order 2)

95 (89) still yet already

96 (90) Give me that book! Give it to me!

Conjunctions and clauses (Союзы и условные предложения)

97 (103) and, but, or, so, because

98 (104) When …

99 (105) If we go … If you see … etc

100 (-) If I had … If we went … etc 

101 (106) a person who … / a thing that/which … (relative clauses 1)

102 (107) the people we met / the hotel you stayed at (relative clauses 2)

Prepositions (Предлоги)

103 (91) at 8 o’clock on Monday in April

104 (92) from … to until since for

105 (93) before, after, during, while

106 (94) in at on (places 1)

107 (94) in at on (places 2)

108 (95) to in at (places 3)

109 (96) under, behind, opposite etc

110 (97) up, over, through etc

111 (98) on, at, by, with, about

112 (99) afraid of, good at etc of/at/for etc (prepositions) + -ing

113 (100) listen to, look at etc (verb + preposition)

Phrasal verbs (Фразовые глаголы)

114 (101) go in, fall off, run away etc (phrasal verbs 1)

115 (102) put on your shoes / put your shoes on (phrasal verbs 2)

Appendices (Дополнения)

Appendix 1 (-) Active and passive

Appendix 2 (1) List of irregular verbs (список неправильных глаголов)

Appendix 3 (2) Irregular verbs in groups (неправильные глаголы по группам)

Appendix 4 (3) Short forms (he’s/I’d/don’t etc) Сокращения

Appendix 5 (4) Spelling

Appendix 6 (5) Phrasal verbs (take off/give up etc)

Appendix 7 (6) Phrasal verbs + object (put out a fire/give up your job etc)

Additional exercises 1-35 >

Key to Exercises >


kristasunny: Обожаю красный учебник Мерфи! Когда-то я по нему занималась с репетитором еще в школе,лет 10 назад. А сейчас я сама преподаю английский и на дополнительных занятиях использую его. Огромное вам спасибо за сайт!

sdsdfsdfsdf: Спасибо большое за эту работу, очень классный сайт, таких очень мало в сети, приятно заниматься и понимаешь, что разработчики тяжело работали, чтобы всё усвоилось и было понятно и доступно.